Saturday, June 1, 2013

Top best book to read 2013

What are the best books of 2013? We've stepped out of our time machine (hint: talk to that person next to you on the airplane, don't try the veal) to bring you the must-read titles from the year ahead.

It's shaping up to be a fascinating 12 months, with the sequel to The Shining, a new David Sedaris, a self-published book poised to become a global success, a new James Salter, a new Suzanne Collins, a new Karen Russell... and so much more.

Read on, read often, and support your local bookstore and library. Trust us: in the year ahead, they'll really appreciate the support.

Here's our list of the best books so far listed to appear in 2013:

13 Must Read Business Books To Kick Start Your 2013

I’ve gone on a book buying spree lately. I may have gotten ahead of myself in thinking that I’d be able to catch up on reading them  all this month.

And I am`making’ time because I feel it’s so damn important to invest time into learning, reflecting, escaping and strategizing before you hit the New Year.

Who doesn’t want to stride confidently into 2013 armed with a mass of critical knowledge, insight and new found awesome? So I’ve put in some of my `must read’ recommendations, and I got your recommendations too because let’s face it, crowdsourcing is just such a smart idea, right?

So get inspired and put these on your Christmas list (or better yet your Amazon `wish list’ for friends and family to buy) right now.

1. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles
In short, most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us. Between the two resides resistance. When you kick resistance in the teeth, your dream life will be waiting for you on the other side. ~ recommended by Greg Hartle

2. Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield

Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life’s Work
I have to recommend you also pick up his most recent book , and follow-up to his bestseller The War of Art, because it’s all about going from amateur to being a professional, and not by taking a course or buying a product but changing your mind! I’d already gotten to this way of thinking about myself recently, so reading his thoughts on taking yourself seriously and stepping up to play your best game was just the perfect timing for me – and I know it will be for you.

3. The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki

The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything
I turn to this whenever I’m hammering out a business concept/plan. ~  Sebastian Troen.
I can back up what Sebastian says, I read this back in my tech startup days and it was just no BS and fun reading about building a true startup – turning your idea into action.  The art of the start essentially!

4. The Dip by Seth Godin

 The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick)
I struggled with the opposite ends of the spectrum of quitting too easily, or sticking it out when really I should get out and quit. Seth shared with me the “dip” which allowed me to have a perspective on when to quit, (before you start, or when it’s hard and you realize you’re not going to see it all the way through) and when not to quit (after you’ve gone through the hard bits, but before you’ve gotten to the reward bit). One graph on one page changed my life! ~  Elena Harder

5. Be A Free Range Human by Marianne Cantwell

 Be a Free Range Human: Escape the 9-5, Create a Life You Love and Still Pay the Bills
I feel pretty special to have got one of the pre released final drafts of the lovely Marianne’s book and I lapped it up.  She shows you how to escape your career cage and live life on your own terms. She’s got the same philosophy on life as I do – you’re meant to be living the life you love and enjoying your own freedom based lifestyle – except she helps people go from ditching the 9-5 to free range careers, to earning a regular income without an office or a boss. You must watch her video on her book site. You should definitely read her blog too - you’ll be a free range human before you know it.

6. The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

 The Success Principles(TM): How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
It is the book that started my entire journey. I mean of course we want a successful business, but in order to get that, you gotta continuously work through yourself as well! I don’t just want a successful business, but a successful life! ~ Elise McDowell

7. Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk

 Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion
This book is such a good reality check. “Are you living, or just earning a living?” I lost my father several years ago and life is short. I would rather be living. ~ Yasmine Khater -

PS  I wrote about his book and did a short video on the blog way back cos I loved it: Gary Vaynerchuk Crush It And Cash In On Your Passion

8. I Am a Writer by Jeff Goins

 You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One)
It’s a short powerful book about overcoming the reason not to write and and to create a platform to showcase your writing i.e. a blog. Basically, you just have to belief that “you are a writer” and say this to yourself.  It works, after reading the book I said this to myself everyday “I am a writer” and now I do write. I am getting better in my writing confidence to express myself, and practice makes perfect. ~ Jane Manthorpe

9. Fearless Creating by Eric Maisel

 Fearless Creating: A Step-by-Step Guide To Starting and Completing Your Work of Art
There’s no soft soaping in this. It is practical and intelligent and exhorts you to challenge yourself in your art, practice and your life. His prose is clear and beautiful. ~ Liza Dezfouli

10. Rich German’s Monetize Your Passion

 Monetize Your Passion

This free book was included with his Monetize Your Passion program that I took in October 2010.  I had tried other businesses in the past that weren’t “me” and didn’t succeed.  The first half of this book showed me how to get past the mental/emotional issues of starting something new. The second half of the book (the part that was very powerful for me) showed the detailed steps of how to start a new, online business that helps people and allows you to monetize your passions.  This was the first resource that showed me “how” to do what seemed impossible for me before.  This book is what inspired me to launch my blog/business. ~ Paige Burkes

11. The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama Kabani

 The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue: 2012 Edition
I knew that I had to jump into the Social Media scene to get the results I wanted from my business, but I was clueless on where to begin because I had never used Facebook, Twitter or any of the other services. Shama’s book gave me the knowledge and confidence I needed to do that and it changed both my business and my life. ~ Debi Auger

12. Start With Why by Simon Sinek

 Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
This is one I’ve been recommended by so many people now and I must admit it’s sitting on my Kindle as yet unread. I did watch his TED video though and read his blog (amazing website too), which is what made me snap this up. Simon asks and answers:`Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential, and more profitable than others? Why do some command greater loyalty?’. People don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it. If you can’t answer this question for yourself you will have zero clarification on what your business offers and to who. So what’s your why?

13. The Entrepreneur’s Trap by Tina Forsyth

The Entrepreneur’s Trap: How to Stop Working Too Much, Take Back Your Time and Enjoy Life
Yes another book I bought to support Tina’s book launch as I really rate her work which is always focused on building better systems for your business you can free up more time to do what you love. I’m looking forward to reading this in research for writing my book and to check in on the systems I’ve installed in my business and where I can plug any gaps! This book also focuses on the WHY you go into business and to crafting the right business for you. “It’s about taking back your weekends and setting boundaries and so this book isn’t just about systems but about rediscovering the passion for your business.”

All book you can buy at We will update link later.